1 Setup and Data Ingest



options(dplyr.summarise.inform = FALSE)

Three NHANES databases

  • Demographics: DEMO_J
  • Lab Data: fasting plasma glucose (GLU_J), triglycerides (BIOPRO_J), high sensitivity c reactive protein (HSCRP_J)
  • Examination Data: systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BPX_J), waist circumference (BMX_J)
demo_raw <- nhanes('DEMO_J') %>%  tibble()
Processing SAS dataset DEMO_J    ..
hscrp_raw <- nhanes('HSCRP_J') %>%  tibble()
Processing SAS dataset HSCRP_J   ..
bmx_raw <- nhanes('BMX_J') %>%  tibble()
Processing SAS dataset BMX_J     ..
glu_raw <- nhanes('GLU_J') %>% tibble()
Processing SAS dataset GLU_J     ..
bio_raw <-  nhanes('BIOPRO_J') %>% tibble()
Processing SAS dataset BIOPRO_J      ..
bpx_raw <- nhanes('BPX_J') %>%  tibble()
Processing SAS dataset BPX_J     ..
demo1 <- demo_raw %>% 

[1] 9254    5
crp1 <- hscrp_raw %>% 
  select(SEQN, LBXHSCRP) %>% 

[1] 7250    2
bmx1 <- bmx_raw %>% 
  select(SEQN, BMXWAIST) %>% 

[1] 7601    2
glu1 <- glu_raw %>% 
  select(SEQN, LBXGLU) %>% 

[1] 2891    2
bio1 <- bio_raw %>% 
  select(SEQN, LBXSTR) %>% 

[1] 5901    2
bpx1 <- bpx_raw %>% 
  select(SEQN, BPXSY1,BPXDI1)  %>% 

[1] 6302    3

2 Merging the Data

I have four tibbles now, which (once we have merged them together) will contain data on 2414 subjects for 11

Hmisc::label(crp1$SEQN) <- "Respondent sequence number"
Hmisc::label(bio1$SEQN) <- "Respondent sequence number"
temp1 <- left_join(demo1, crp1, by = "SEQN")

[1] 9254    6
temp2 <- left_join(temp1, bmx1, by = "SEQN")

[1] 9254    7
temp3 <- left_join(temp2, glu1, by = "SEQN")

[1] 9254    8
temp4 <- left_join(temp3, bio1, by = "SEQN")

[1] 9254    9
merged_data <- left_join(temp4, bpx1, by = "SEQN") %>% 

[1] 2414   11

3 Cleaning the Data

In this first step of the cleaning process I have:

  • only included adults (ages 20-79)

  • renamed the raw variable names

  • converted sex and ethnicity to factors as well as provide their values with meaningful names

  • releveled ethnicity so that “White” is the baseline category

  • converted SEQN to a character variable

nh_clean <- merged_data %>% 
  filter(RIDAGEYR > 19 & RIDAGEYR < 80) %>% ## ages 20-79 only
  rename(sex = RIAGENDR, 
         ethnicity = RIDRETH3, 
         crp = LBXHSCRP,
         waist = BMXWAIST,
         trg= LBXSTR,
         sbp = BPXSY1,
         dbp = BPXDI1) %>% 
  mutate(sex=as.factor(sex)) %>% 
  mutate(sex = fct_recode(sex, 
                                    "male" ="1",
                                   "female"="2")) %>% 
  mutate(ethnicity=as.factor(ethnicity)) %>% 
  mutate(ethnicity = fct_recode(ethnicity, 
                          "MA" ="1",
                          "White" ="3", 
                          "Black"= "4", 
                          "Asian"= "6", 
                          "Other"= "7" )) %>% 
  mutate(ethnicity=fct_relevel(ethnicity,"White", "Black", "Asian",  "MA", "Latino", "Other" )) %>% 
 mutate(SEQN = str_pad(SEQN, 5, pad = "0"))  

I ran haven::zap_label() on my tibble as part of my cleaning process. This changes everything from “labeled” class to a more useful class

nh_clean <- haven::zap_label(nh_clean)

3.1 Determining & Excluding Improbable Values

3.1.1 Defining implausible values

I will exclude implausible blood pressure of laboratory values:

  • SBP: <60 or >250 mm Hg

  • DBP: <40 or >140 mm Hg

  • Triglycerides <10 or >2,000 mg/dL

  • Fasting plasma glucose: <30 or >600 mg/dL

  • Waist circumference: ≤51 cm or ≥190 cm

  • CRP: I could not find any studies that excluded certain implausible values. Therefore, I only excluded values that are below the limit of detection (0.15 mg/L)

3.1.2 Potential Implausible Values

Hmisc::describe(nh_clean %>% select(sbp, dbp, trg, fast_glu, waist, crp, RIDAGEYR))
nh_clean %>% select(sbp, dbp, trg, fast_glu, waist, crp, RIDAGEYR) 

 7  Variables      1898  Observations
       n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
    1898        0       63    0.999    124.8    20.65      100      104 
     .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
     112      122      134      150      160 

lowest :  78  86  88  90  92, highest: 204 206 210 216 224
       n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
    1898        0       42    0.997    72.67    13.17       54       58 
     .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
      66       72       80       88       92 

lowest :   0  38  40  42  44, highest: 110 112 114 120 124
       n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
    1898        0      305        1    130.4    81.44     51.0     59.0 
     .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
    76.0    110.0    154.0    218.0    272.3 

lowest :   25   27   31   33   34, highest:  846 1058 1270 1531 2923
Value          0    50   100   150   200   250   300   350   400   450   500
Frequency      1   443   734   382   162    84    38    17    17     4     5
Proportion 0.001 0.233 0.387 0.201 0.085 0.044 0.020 0.009 0.009 0.002 0.003
Value        550   750   800   850  1050  1250  1550  2900
Frequency      4     1     1     1     1     1     1     1
Proportion 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001

For the frequency table, variable is rounded to the nearest 50
       n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
    1898        0      177    0.999    113.6    29.37       87       90 
     .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
      96      104      115      143      173 

lowest :  47  53  62  67  69, highest: 366 380 389 421 451
       n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
    1898        0      639        1    100.4    19.21     74.6     78.6 
     .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
    88.0     98.8    111.1    122.7    130.8 

lowest :  63.2  64.0  64.5  64.6  65.9, highest: 161.6 162.3 163.6 164.1 169.5
       n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
    1898        0      762        1    4.112    5.013   0.3700   0.4800 
     .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
  0.8425   1.9700   4.3675   8.6100  13.5990 

lowest :   0.11   0.16   0.17   0.18   0.19, highest:  77.79  87.45  90.51  91.36 109.81
       n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
    1898        0       60        1    48.95    18.95       23       26 
     .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
      34       50       62       70       74 

lowest : 20 21 22 23 24, highest: 75 76 77 78 79

This is what I see:

  • No missing values for any of these quantitative variables

  • There were people with implausible dbp values (<40 mm/Hg ) (n=11)

  • crp values below the lower limit of detection (0.15 mg/L )

  • a triglyceride value > 2000 mg/ dL

  • SBP, fasting plasma glucose, and waist circumference all seemed like plausible values

It’s worth it to check to see that everyone has a sbp meaningfully larger than their dbp.

nh_clean %>% mutate(bp_diff = sbp - dbp) %>% select(SEQN, sbp, dbp, bp_diff) %>% slice_min(bp_diff, n = 3)
# A tibble: 5 x 4
  SEQN     sbp   dbp bp_diff
  <chr>  <int> <int>   <int>
1 95353    100    82      18
2 97533    104    84      20
3 98463    112    92      20
4 101626   104    84      20
5 102775    90    70      20

This looks fine.

3.1.2 Excluding Implausible Values

Below I have excluded those with implausible dbp, undetectable crp, and implausible trg

nh_clean <- nh_clean %>% 
  filter(dbp>39) %>% 
  filter(crp >0.14) %>% 
  filter (trg <2000)

4 My Research Question

Background The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) is a population-based, health survey of noninstitutionalized United States residents conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics of the CDC. NHANES uses a probability sampling method and oversamples for certain subgroups. Participants completed household surveys, which included demographic questions and medical history. Laboratory samples were collected and physical examinations were conducted.

I used data on adults age 20-79 from years 2017-2018. Further eligibility consisted of complete data on crp levels, waist circumference, ethnicity, sex, fasting plasma glucose, triglycerides, systolic blood pressure, and diastolic blood pressure.

A growing body of evidence suggests that metabolic syndrome is highly associated with inflammation, which is an independent risk factor for an acute coronary event. Studies suggest that as the criteria of metabolic syndrome increase, so does crp, which is a marker of inflammation. Waist circumference has continually shown to influence crp, and if decreased, then the crp will decrease as well. For men and women the criteria for metabolic syndrome include a waist circumference >40 cm and >35 cm, respectively.


  1. Using the 2017-2018 NHANES data, how well can I predict someone’s crp level from their waist circumference after adjusting for sex?

  2. Does the prediction meaningfully improve after adjusting for metabolic syndrome criteria and ethnicity?

5 My Final Variables

5.1 Codebook

mosaic::favstats( ~RIDAGEYR, data = nh_clean) %>% select(n, min, max)
    n min max
 1880  20  79

1880 adults ages 20-79 participating in NHANES 2017-18 with complete data on the variables listed in the table below

Variable Type Description / Levels
SEQN ID SEQN code (93711-102956)
RIDSTATR Quant Code 2 = Both interviewed and examined
crp Quant outcome (LBXHSCRP) high sensitivity c reactive protein
waist Quant key predictor (BMXWAIST) Waist Circumference, in centimeters
fast_glu Quant (LBXGLU) Fasting Plasma Glucose, in mg/L
trg Quant (LBXSTR) Triglycerides, in mg/dL
sbp Quant (BPXSY1) Systolic Blood Pressure, in mm/Hg
dbp Quant (BPXDI1) Diastolic Blood pressure, in mm/Hg
sex Binary (RIAGENDR) male, female
ethnicity 6-Cat (RIDRETH3) White, Black, Asian, Mexican American (MA), Latino, Other

5.2 Numerical Data Description

5.2.1 Tibble of nh_clean

Below we can see that:

  • My data frame is a tibble

  • It has 1880 rows and 11 columns

  • 1 character variables: SEQN,

  • 2 factor variables: sex (2 levels) and ethnicity (6 levels)

  • 9 numeric variables: age, crp, waist, fast_glu, trg, sbp, dbp, RIDSTAR

tibble [1,880 × 11] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
 $ SEQN     : chr [1:1880] "93711" "93717" "93718" "93721" ...
 $ RIDSTATR : int [1:1880] 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ sex      : Factor w/ 2 levels "male","female": 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 ...
 $ ethnicity: Factor w/ 6 levels "White","Black",..: 3 1 2 4 1 4 5 5 2 1 ...
 $ RIDAGEYR : int [1:1880] 56 22 45 60 60 20 52 26 72 73 ...
 $ crp      : num [1:1880] 0.82 0.8 0.69 3.04 0.41 0.75 1.59 5.26 2.03 0.64 ...
 $ waist    : num [1:1880] 86.6 86.2 77.5 113.2 89.7 ...
 $ fast_glu : int [1:1880] 107 91 89 104 101 98 83 102 106 119 ...
 $ trg      : int [1:1880] 59 122 57 92 67 95 133 94 121 208 ...
 $ sbp      : int [1:1880] 108 116 128 132 116 114 154 120 166 126 ...
 $ dbp      : int [1:1880] 68 62 88 68 68 54 74 82 90 60 ...

5.2.2 results of Hmisc::describe for my tibble

Below I ran describe from the Hmisc package on my data.


 11  Variables      1880  Observations
       n  missing distinct 
    1880        0     1880 

lowest : 100001 100008 100015 100025 100026, highest: 99983  99984  99985  99989  99996 
       n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd 
    1880        0        1        0        2        0 
Value         2
Frequency  1880
Proportion    1
       n  missing distinct 
    1880        0        2 
Value        male female
Frequency     916    964
Proportion  0.487  0.513
       n  missing distinct 
    1880        0        6 

lowest : White  Black  Asian  MA     Latino, highest: Black  Asian  MA     Latino Other 
Value       White  Black  Asian     MA Latino  Other
Frequency     600    432    276    284    180    108
Proportion  0.319  0.230  0.147  0.151  0.096  0.057
       n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
    1880        0       60        1    48.88     18.9       23       26 
     .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
      34       50       62       70       74 

lowest : 20 21 22 23 24, highest: 75 76 77 78 79
       n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
    1880        0      757        1    4.117    5.014   0.3800   0.4900 
     .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
  0.8575   1.9800   4.3525   8.5560  13.5930 

lowest :   0.16   0.17   0.18   0.19   0.20, highest:  77.79  87.45  90.51  91.36 109.81
       n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
    1880        0      637        1    100.4     19.2    74.89    78.69 
     .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
   88.00    98.80   111.10   122.81   130.91 

lowest :  63.2  64.0  64.5  64.6  65.9, highest: 161.6 162.3 163.6 164.1 169.5
       n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
    1880        0      175    0.999    113.2    28.85     87.0     90.0 
     .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
    96.0    104.0    115.0    141.1    171.0 

lowest :  47  53  62  67  69, highest: 366 380 389 421 451
       n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
    1880        0      304        1    129.2    78.81     51.0     59.0 
     .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
    76.0    110.0    154.0    218.0    272.1 

lowest :   25   27   31   33   34, highest:  777  846 1058 1270 1531
       n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
    1880        0       62    0.999    124.7    20.59      100      104 
     .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
     112      122      134      150      160 

lowest :  78  86  88  90  92, highest: 200 204 210 216 224
       n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
    1880        0       40    0.997    73.05    12.62       56       58 
     .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
      66       72       80       88       92 

lowest :  40  42  44  46  48, highest: 110 112 114 120 124

5.2.3 Checklist from Hmis::describe

  • No Missing data for any of the variables

  • Quantitative variables have a sensible minimum and maximum value

    • crp: 0.16-109.81 mg/L (plausible = <500)
    • waist: 63.2 to 169.5 cm (plausible = 51-190)
    • fast_glu: 47 to 451 (plausible = 30-600 )
    • trg: 25 to 1531 (plausible = 10-2000)
    • sbp: 78 to 224 (plausible = 60-250)
    • dbp: 40 to 124 (plausible = 40-140)
  • I have checked both of my categorical variables, ethnicity and sex, for problems, and all levels have at least 108 subjects

  • All subjects have RIDSTATR = 2, and thus were included in both the questionnaire and examination data.

  • The age range for the subjects is 20-79

6 Partitioning the Data

I am partitioning the clean data into a training model sample (70% of the data) and a model validation sample (the remaining 30%).


nh_train <- nh_clean %>% 
    slice_sample(prop = 0.70, replace=FALSE)

nh_test <- 
    anti_join(nh_clean, nh_train, by = "SEQN")

Below we can see that each SEQN in nh_clean wound up in either in the training or the test sample.

c(nrow(nh_train), nrow(nh_test), nrow(nh_clean))
[1] 1316  564 1880

7 Transforming the Outcome

7.1 Visualizing the Outcome Distribution

Below I have plotted the outcome, crp for the training sample (n=1316) to evaluate normality of this outcome.

res <- mosaic::favstats(~ crp, data = nh_train) 
bin_w <- 3 

p1 <- ggplot(nh_train, aes(x = crp)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = bin_w,
fill = "salmon",
col = "white") + theme_light() +
fun = function(x) dnorm(x, mean = res$mean,
sd = res$sd) *res$n * bin_w,
col = "darkred", size = 1) +
labs(title = "Histogram with Normal fit",
x = "CRP (mg/L)", y = "# of SEQNs")
p2 <- ggplot(nh_train, aes(sample = crp)) + geom_qq(col = "salmon") + geom_qq_line(col = "black") + theme_light() +
labs(title = "Normal Q-Q plot",
y = "CRP (mg/L)")
p3 <- ggplot(nh_train, aes(x = "", y = crp)) + geom_violin() +
geom_boxplot(width = 0.2, fill = "salmon", outlier.color = "red") +
theme_light() +
coord_flip() +
labs(title = "Boxplot with Violin",
x = "", y = "CRP (mg/L)")
p1 + p2 - p3 + plot_layout(ncol = 1, height = c(3, 1)) + plot_annotation(title = "Distribution of CRP is highly right skewed", subtitle= "Training sample (N=1316) from NHANES 2017-2018 data")

We can see that there is considerable right skew, which means that I will need to evaluate transformations that might make a Normal model more plausible. Because the crp data are right skewed and all the values are strictly positive, I will try taking a step “down” the ladder from power 1 to lower powers (square root, log, and inverse).

7.2 Transforming the Outcome

As explained above, since the crp data are right skewed and all the values are strictly positive, I will try taking a step “down” the ladder.

Below I have plotted the square root, log, and inverse of the outcome, crp

p2 <- ggplot(nh_train, aes(sample = crp)) + geom_qq() + geom_qq_line(col = "red") + labs(title = "untransformed crp")
p3 <- ggplot(nh_train, aes(sample = log(crp))) + geom_qq() + geom_qq_line(col = "red") + labs(title = "log(crp)")
p4 <- ggplot(nh_train, aes(sample = sqrt(crp))) + geom_qq() + geom_qq_line(col = "red") + labs(title = "square root of crp")
p5 <- ggplot(nh_train, aes(sample = 1/crp)) + geom_qq() + geom_qq_line(col = "red") + labs(title = "inverse of crp")

( p2 + p3) / (p4 + p5) + 
  plot_annotation(title = "Evaluating transformations that step down the ladder (crp is right skewed)", subtitle = "nh_train sample (n=1316): log transformation is the most normally distributed")

Based on the plots above, log(crp) appears the most normally distributed.

Here is another set of plots that show the beautiful normality of the log of crp.

res <- mosaic::favstats(~ log(crp), data = nh_train) 
bin_w <- 1 

p1 <- ggplot(nh_train, aes(x = log(crp))) + geom_histogram(binwidth = bin_w,
fill = "salmon",
col = "white") + theme_light() +
fun = function(x) dnorm(x, mean = res$mean,
sd = res$sd) *res$n * bin_w,
col = "darkred", size = 1) +
labs(title = "Histogram with Normal fit",
x = "log(crp) [log(mg/L)]", y = "# of SEQNs")
p2 <- ggplot(nh_train, aes(sample = log(crp))) + geom_qq(col = "salmon") + geom_qq_line(col = "black") + theme_light() +
labs(title = "Normal Q-Q plot",
y = "log(crp) [log(mg/L)]")
p3 <- ggplot(nh_train, aes(x = "", y = log(crp))) + geom_violin() +
geom_boxplot(width = 0.2, fill = "salmon", outlier.color = "red") +
theme_light() +
coord_flip() +
labs(title = "Boxplot with Violin",
x = "", y = "log(crp) [log(mg/L)]")
p1 + p2 - p3 + plot_layout(ncol = 1, height = c(3, 1)) + plot_annotation(title = "Distribution of log(crp) is fairly normally distributed", subtitle= "Training sample (N=1316) from NHANES 2017-2018 data")

7.3 Numerical Summaries of the Predictors

Below is a set of numerical summaries of each predictor variable in the training data

nh_train %>% select(-SEQN, -RIDSTATR, -RIDAGEYR, -crp ) %>% 
Warning: `data_frame()` is deprecated as of tibble 1.1.0.
Please use `tibble()` instead.
This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
Call `lifecycle::last_warnings()` to see where this warning was generated.

categorical variables:  
       name  class levels    n missing
1       sex factor      2 1316       0
2 ethnicity factor      6 1316       0
1 female (52.8%), male (47.2%)                 
2 White (30.3%), Black (23.2%) ...             

quantitative variables:  
         name   class  min    Q1 median    Q3    max      mean       sd    n
...1    waist numeric 63.2  87.6  98.65 110.7  169.5 100.26117 17.04897 1316
...2 fast_glu integer 62.0  97.0 104.00 115.0  421.0 113.73328 36.65189 1316
...3      trg integer 25.0  76.0 111.00 155.0 1531.0 130.12690 92.88164 1316
...4      sbp integer 86.0 112.0 122.00 134.0  224.0 125.20973 18.93841 1316
...5      dbp integer 40.0  66.0  74.00  80.0  124.0  73.35562 11.64277 1316
...1       0
...2       0
...3       0
...4       0
...5       0
  • sex: 52.8% female & 47.2% male

  • ethnicity: the majority of the subjects are White (30.3%) and Black (23.2%)

  • waist (waist circumference) range: 63.2-169.5 cm, mean=100.3 cm, median = 98.7 cm

  • fast_glu (fasting blood glucose): range: 62.0-421.0 mg/dL, mean=113.7 mg/dL, median=104 mg/dL

  • trg (triglyceride levels): range 25.0-1531.0 mg/dL, mean=130, median=111 mg/dL

  • sbp: range 86.0 -224.0 mmHg, median =122 mm /Hg

  • dbp: 40.0 -1234 mm Hg, median = 74 mm/Hg

7.4 Scatterplot Matrix

I have created two sets of scatterplot matrices to evaluate the shapes of the quantitative predictors and the relationships of the predictors with the transformed outcome (log_crp)

nh_train %>% 
  mutate(log_crp= log(crp)) %>% 
  select(waist, fast_glu, trg,  log_crp) %>% 
  ggpairs(., title = "Scatterplot Matrix: 3/7 predictors & the transformed outcome (log crp) (N=1316)",
          lower = list(combo = wrap("facethist", bins = 20)))

nh_train %>% 
  mutate(log_crp= log(crp)) %>% 
  select(sbp, dbp, ethnicity, sex, log_crp) %>% 
  ggpairs(., title = "Scatterplot Matrix: remaining 4 predictors & the transformed outcome (log crp)",
          lower = list(combo = wrap("facethist", bins = 10)))


  • moderate positive relationship between log(crp) and waist

  • weak positive relationship of log(crp) with: fast_glu, trg, and sbp

  • essentially no relationship between log(crp) and dbp

  • no clear distinction with ethnicity, except Asian appears to have a lower median log(crp)

  • males appear to have a lower median log(crp) than females


  • waist: fairly normally distributed, but slight right skew

  • fast_glu: not normally distributed, some extreme high outliers causing right skew

  • trg: not normally distributed, lack of left tail behavior, extreme high outliers causing right skew

  • sbp: more normally distributed than some other key predictors, right skew

  • dbp: most normal distribution of all predictors.

7.5 Relationship between categorical predictors with >4 levelsand the transformed outcome (log_crp)

The ethnicity predictor had more than 4 levels, thus it was difficult to observe any sort of patterns across the races.

ggplot(nh_train, aes(x = ethnicity, y = log(crp))) + 
  geom_violin() +
geom_boxplot(aes(fill = ethnicity), width = 0.3, notch = TRUE) + guides(fill = FALSE) +
labs(title = "Distribution of log(crp) by race category in adults", subtitle ="Training sample (N=1316) from NHANES 2017-2018 data", x= "Ethnicity", y = "log(crp)")


  • There is no overlap between the notches for each of the six categories, so we might reasonably conclude that the true median log of crp across the six categories are statistically significantly different.

  • A fairly normal distribution is observed among the White and Black ethnicity category

  • The Asian category looks fairly scrunched up

  • There are many outliers in the Mexican American group

  • The distribution in the Latino category almost looks bimodal

  • The Other category lacks a left tail

7.6 Collinearity Checking

I want to see strong correlations between the outcome, crp, and the predictors, waist, fast_glu, trg, sbp, dbp, ethnicity, and sex. However, I hope to only see relatively modest correlations between the predictors.

There was a modest correlation between sbp and dbp seen in the scatterplot matrix (r=0.52), however I don’t think this is high enough to be a problem.

7.6 boxCox function to assess need for transformation of our outcome

The boxCox function confirms my desire to transform the outcome using a log transformation.

mod_0 <- lm(crp ~ waist + fast_glu + trg + sbp + dbp + ethnicity + sex , data = nh_train)

Suggesting a transformation: suggesting 0 (log)

bcPower Transformation to Normality 
   Est Power Rounded Pwr Wald Lwr Bnd Wald Upr Bnd
Y1   -0.1427       -0.14      -0.1829      -0.1025

Likelihood ratio test that transformation parameter is equal to 0
 (log transformation)
                           LRT df       pval
LR test, lambda = (0) 50.68336  1 1.0854e-12

Likelihood ratio test that no transformation is needed
                           LRT df       pval
LR test, lambda = (1) 3756.611  1 < 2.22e-16

8 The Big Model

My kitchen sink model will contain all 7 predictors.

8.1 Fitting/Summarizing the Kitchen Sink model

The “kitchen sink” model predicts the log of crp using the predictors waist, fast_glu, trg, sbp, dbp, ethnicity, and sex.

model_big <- lm(log(crp) ~ waist + fast_glu + trg + sbp + dbp + ethnicity + sex, 
                data = nh_train)

lm(formula = log(crp) ~ waist + fast_glu + trg + sbp + dbp + 
    ethnicity + sex, data = nh_train)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-3.2845 -0.6801 -0.0425  0.5721  4.7478 

                  Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)     -3.0717464  0.2426607 -12.659  < 2e-16 ***
waist            0.0309267  0.0016935  18.262  < 2e-16 ***
fast_glu         0.0015977  0.0007729   2.067  0.03893 *  
trg              0.0003370  0.0003093   1.090  0.27605    
sbp             -0.0003464  0.0016736  -0.207  0.83606    
dbp              0.0035853  0.0026807   1.337  0.18131    
ethnicityBlack   0.1642485  0.0741643   2.215  0.02696 *  
ethnicityAsian  -0.2340307  0.0860088  -2.721  0.00659 ** 
ethnicityMA      0.0468092  0.0830302   0.564  0.57301    
ethnicityLatino  0.1692856  0.0942094   1.797  0.07258 .  
ethnicityOther   0.1864934  0.1185346   1.573  0.11589    
sexfemale        0.3838528  0.0535985   7.162 1.33e-12 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.9508 on 1304 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.2924,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.2864 
F-statistic: 48.98 on 11 and 1304 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

8.2 Effect Sizes: Coefficient Estimates

tidy(model_big, conf.int = TRUE, conf.level = 0.90) %>% 
  select(term, estimate, std.error, conf.low, conf.high, p.value) %>% 
   knitr::kable(digits = c(0, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2))
term estimate std.error conf.low conf.high p.value
(Intercept) -3.0717 0.2427 -3.471 -2.672 0.00
waist 0.0309 0.0017 0.028 0.034 0.00
fast_glu 0.0016 0.0008 0.000 0.003 0.04
trg 0.0003 0.0003 0.000 0.001 0.28
sbp -0.0003 0.0017 -0.003 0.002 0.84
dbp 0.0036 0.0027 -0.001 0.008 0.18
ethnicityBlack 0.1642 0.0742 0.042 0.286 0.03
ethnicityAsian -0.2340 0.0860 -0.376 -0.092 0.01
ethnicityMA 0.0468 0.0830 -0.090 0.183 0.57
ethnicityLatino 0.1693 0.0942 0.014 0.324 0.07
ethnicityOther 0.1865 0.1185 -0.009 0.382 0.12
sexfemale 0.3839 0.0536 0.296 0.472 0.00


  • size: -3.0717 log(mg/L)

  • magnitude: this is fairly large in absolute value and negative.

  • meaning: this is the value of log(crp) when the waist circumference is 0, the sex is neither male nor female, and the person was dead (i.e. zero fasting blood glucose, triglycerides, blood pressure values) and is not of any ethnicity or sex. Clearly, this is meaningless as this is not possible.

  • effect sizes: The 90% CI is 3.4712 - 2.6723. It does not cross 0, so this is significant

slope of waist

  • size: 0.0309 mg/L

  • magnitude: this is in the positive direction and it appears fairly small, but so is 1 cm. Therefore, I think it is appropriate.

  • meaning: for every 1 cm increase in waist size, the log of crp will increase by 0.0309 mg/L (holding fast_glu, trg, sbp, dbp, ethnicity and sex constant )

  • effect sizes: The 90% CI around this estimate is 0.0281 to 0.0337. This is significant because it does not cross 0, thus there is not zero value in adding this to our prediction equation. It is also fairly tight and therefore precise. The range is meaningful. Also, this means that if we were to repeat this method 100 times, 90 of those confidence intervals would contain the true slope. We don’t know if this is one of the 90 or not.

slope of fasting glucose (fast_glu)

  • size: 0.0016 mg/L

  • magnitude: this is in the positive direction and it appears fairly small, but so is 1 mg/dL in relation. Therefore, I think it is appropriate.

  • meaning: for every 1 mg/dL increase in fasting glucose, the log of crp will increase by 0.0016 mg/L (holding waist, trg, sbp, dbp, ethnicity and sex constant)

  • effect sizes: The 90% CI around this estimate is 0.0003 to 0.0029. This is significant because it does not cross 0, thus there is not zero value in adding this to our prediction equation. It is also fairly tight and therefore precise. The range is meaningful. Also, this means that if we were to repeat this method 100 times, 90 of those confidence intervals would contain the true slope. We don’t know if this is one of the 90 or not.

slope of trg (trg)

  • size: 0.0003 mg/L

  • magnitude: this is in the positive direction and it appears fairly small, but so is 1 mg/dL in relation. Therefore, I think it is appropriate.

  • meaning: for every 1 mg/dL increase in triglycerides, the log of crp will increase by 0.0003 mg/L. (holding waist, fast_glu, sbp, dbp, ethnicity and sex constant)

  • effect sizes: The 90% CI around this estimate is -0.0002 to 0.0008. This is not significant because it crosses 0, thus there is no value in adding this to our prediction equation. It is also fairly wide and therefore not precise. The range is not meaningful. Also, this means that if we were to repeat this method 100 times, 90 of those confidence intervals would contain the true slope. We don’t know if this is one of the 90 or not.

slope of sbp

  • size: -0.0003 mg/L

  • magnitude: this is in the negative direction and it appears comparatively small.

  • meaning: for every 1 mg/ Hg increase in systolic blood pressure, the log of crp will decrease by 0.0003 mg/L (holding waist, fast_glu, trg, dbp, ethnicity and sex constant) This is contrary to what has previously been found with crp’s relation to the components of the factors contributing to metabolic syndrome. Previously it has been shown that as each component of the metabolic syndrome equation increases, so does crp.

  • effect sizes: The 90% CI around this estimate is -0.0031 to 0.0024. This is not significant because it crosses 0, thus there is no value in adding this to our prediction equation. It is also fairly wide and therefore not precise. The range is not meaningful. Also, this means that if we were to repeat this method 100 times, 90 of those confidence intervals would contain the true slope. We don’t know if this is one of the 90 or not.

slope of dbp

  • size: 0.0036 mg/L

  • magnitude: this is in the positive direction and it appears comparatively small.

  • meaning: for every 1 mg/ Hg increase in diastolic blood pressure, the log of crp will increase by 0.0036 mg/L (holding waist, fast_glu, trg, sbp, ethnicity and sex constant)

  • effect sizes: The 90% CI around this estimate is -0.0008 to 0.008. This is not significant because it crosses 0, thus there is no value in adding this to our prediction equation. It is also fairly wide and therefore not precise. The range is not meaningful. Also, this means that if we were to repeat this method 100 times, 90 of those confidence intervals would contain the true slope. We don’t know if this is one of the 90 or not.

Coefficients for ethnicity:

  • The coefficient for the levels of ethnicity are 0.1642 for Black, -.2340 for Asian, 0.0468 for Asian, 0.0468 for Mexican American, 0.1693 for Latino, and 0.1865 for Other ethnicity. This means that, relative to White, Asians have a a log crp that is -0.234 less than Whites on average, given equivalent waist, fast_glu, trg, sbp, dbp, and sex . Similarly, relative to Whites, given equivalent waist, fast_glu, trg, sbp, dbp, and sex, Blacks, Mexican Americans, Latinos, and Other ethnicities have on average 0.1642, 0.0468, 0.0468, 0.1693, and 0.1865 greater log of crp. The magnitude of these differences from white race seem small-moderate, but make the biggest impact for the Black ethnicity. This is consistent with previous literature which suggests that on average, Blacks have a greater CRP than other races. Furthermore, a large percentage of crp is determined by genetics.

We are 90% confident that the true coefficients for each of these ethnicities are:

  • Black: 0.0422 to 0.2863

  • Asian: 0.3756 to -0.0925

  • Mexican American: 0.0899 to 0.1835

  • Latino: 0.0142 to 0.3244

  • Other ethnicity: 0.0086 to 0.3816

According to the 90% confidence intervals these estimates provide very little value. The 90% CI cross 0 for Mexican Americans and Other race, which may deem them of no use. Furthermore, the confidence intervals for all of these are incredibly wide, thus not precise, and of very little use. If the true estimate is contained within one of these confidence intervals (a 90% chance that they do), it is either so wide that its not very helpful or some contain 0 which means they’re really not helpful.

Coefficients for sex:

  • The coefficient for the levels of female sex is 0.3839. This means that relative to males, females have a log crp that is 0.3839 larger than males given equivalent waist, fast_glu, trg, sbp, dbp, and ethnicity. The magnitude of this difference is moderate. This makes sense because when considering if someone has metabolic syndrome, the waist size is dependent on if the sex is male or female.
  • The 90% CI around this estimate is 0.2956 to 0.4721. This is not that precise, however it is still significant and pretty meaningful.

8.3 Describing the Equation

The equation of the big kitchen sink model is as follows:

extract_eq(model_big, use_coefs = TRUE, coef_digits = 4,
           terms_per_line = 3, wrap = TRUE, ital_vars = TRUE)

\[ \begin{aligned} log(crp) &= -3.0717 + 0.0309(waist) + 0.0016(fast\_glu)\ + \\ &\quad 3e-04(trg) - 3e-04(sbp) + 0.0036(dbp)\ + \\ &\quad 0.1642(ethnicity_{Black}) - 0.234(ethnicity_{Asian}) + 0.0468(ethnicity_{MA})\ + \\ &\quad 0.1693(ethnicity_{Latino}) + 0.1865(ethnicity_{Other}) + 0.3839(sex_{female})\ + \\ &\quad \epsilon \end{aligned} \]

9 The Smaller Model

I will build a second linear regression model using a subset of the “kitchen sink” model predictors, chosen to maximize predictive value within nh_train.

Here, I will just include the key predictor, waist, and adjust for sex. I did not want to use the stepwise regression method to determine which predictors because although this seems like a “sexy” (as Dr. Love phrases it), it doesn’t work well. Thus, I only used my key predictor and adjusted for sex because in the metabolic syndrome equation, evaluation of the waist size is dependent upon sex. Also, we can see in the box plot that there is a fairly decent and meaningful separation in the log of crp between sexes.

9.1 Fitting the “small” model

model_small <- lm((log(crp)) ~ waist + sex, data = nh_train)

9.2 Effect Sizes: Coefficient Estimates

Below are the coefficients of the small model:

tidy_m1 <- tidy(model_small, conf.int = TRUE, conf.level = 0.90)
tidy_m1 %>%
select(term, estimate, std.error, p.value,
conf.low, conf.high) %>% knitr::kable(digits = 4)
term estimate std.error p.value conf.low conf.high
(Intercept) -2.8583 0.1627 0 -3.1262 -2.5904
waist 0.0337 0.0016 0 0.0312 0.0363
sexfemale 0.3622 0.0531 0 0.2747 0.4496


  • size: -2.8583 log(mg/L)

  • magnitude: this is fairly large in the negative direction

  • meaning: this is the value of log(crp) when the waist circumference is 0 and the sex is neither male nor female. Clearly, this is meaningless as this is not possible.

  • effect sizes: The 90% CI is -3.1262 -2.5904. It does not cross 0, so this is significant

slope of waist

  • size: 0.0337 mg/L

  • magnitude: this is in the positive direction and it appears fairly small, but so is 1 cm. Therefore, I think it is appropriate.

  • meaning: for every 1 cm increase in waist size, the log of crp will increase by 0.0337 mg/L (holding sex constant)

  • effect sizes: The 90% CI around this estimate is 0.0312 to 0.0363. This is significant because it does not cross 0, thus there is not zero value in adding this to our prediction equation. It is also fairly tight and therefore precise. The range is meaningful. Also, this means that if we were to repeat this method 100 times, 90 of those confidence intervals would contain the true slope. We don’t know if this is one of the 90 or not.

slope of sex

  • size: 0.3622 mg/L

  • magnitude: this is in the positive direction and it appears comparatively large.

  • meaning: If the sex of a person is female, the log of crp will be 0.3622 mg/L higher than males (holding waistconstant). Sex appears to be a fairly meaningful predictor for somebody’s log crp due to the size in magnitude difference.

  • effect sizes: The 90% confidence interval around this estimate is 0.2747 to 0.4496. This is significant because it does not cross 0, thus there is not zero value in adding this to our prediction equation. It is not that tight and therefore it doesn’t have high precision.

9.3 Small model equation

Below is my small model equation

extract_eq(model_small, use_coefs = TRUE, coef_digits = 4,
           terms_per_line = 3, wrap = TRUE, ital_vars = TRUE)

\[ \begin{aligned} (log(crp)) &= -2.8583 + 0.0337(waist) + 0.3622(sex_{female})\ + \\ &\quad \epsilon \end{aligned} \]

10 In-Sample Comparison

10.1 Quality of Fit

I will compare the small model to the big model in nh_train using: adjusted R2, residual standard error, AIC and BIC.

temp_a <- glance(model_big) %>% 
  select(-logLik, -deviance) %>%
  round(digits = 3) %>%
  mutate(name = "big")

temp_b <- glance(model_small) %>%
  select(-logLik, -deviance) %>%
  round(digits = 3) %>%
  mutate(name = "small")

training_comp <- bind_rows(temp_a, temp_b) %>%
  select(name, r.squared, adj.r.squared, sigma, AIC, BIC) %>%
  knitr::kable(digits = c(0, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0))
name r.squared adj.r.squared sigma AIC BIC
big 0.292 0.286 0.951 3616 3683
small 0.275 0.274 0.959 3630 3651

It looks like the bigger model with 7 predictors: age, crp, waist, fast_glu, trg, sbp, dbp, sex, and ethnicity, performs slightly better in the training sample.

  • Adjusted r squared is larger, sigma is smaller, and AIC is smaller.
  • Nevertheless, BIC for the bigger model is larger (BIC penalizes more than AIC for more variables).

10.2 Assessing Assumptions

Here, I will run a set of residual plots for each model in order to evaluate the regression assumptions:

  1. Linearity

  2. Constant variance

  3. Normality

NOTE: this is cross sectional data, therefore the data are independent

10.2.1 Residual Plots for the Big Model

  1. Linearity: The residual vs. fitted plot has no pattern and no curve. Thus,there are no problems with linearity.

  2. Constant variance: The residual vs. fitted plot does not have a fan or funnel shape. The scale location plot has an essentially straight loess line. Thus, the data are homoscedastic.

  3. Normality: The normal Q-Q plot shows right skew & outliers. The residuals vs. leverage plot shows 3 standardized residuals above 4 standard deviations and 11 standardized residuals between 3-4 standard deviations (we only expect to see at most 4 points above 3 with a sample size of 1316) . This is not normal, especially with a data set of this size.

  4. Independence: the residuals appear randomly scattered and show no patterns, trends, or clumps against the predicted values. Thus, the data are from a random sample.

Lastly, although this is not an assumption of linear regression, it is important to note that there are no highly influential points (all points have a cooks distance of <0.5)

aug1 <- augment(model_big, data = nh_train) %>%
  mutate(log_crp = log(crp)) 

p1 <- ggplot(aug1, aes(x = .fitted, y = .resid)) +
  geom_point() + 
  geom_point(data = aug1 %>% 
               slice_max(abs(.resid), n = 3),
             col = "red", size = 1) +
  geom_text_repel(data = aug1 %>% 
               slice_max(abs(.resid), n = 3),
               aes(label = SEQN), col = "red") +
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 0, lty = "dashed") +
  geom_smooth(method = "loess", formula = y ~ x, se = F) +
  labs(title = "Residuals vs. Fitted",
       x = "Fitted Value of (log(crp))", y = "Residual") 

p2 <- ggplot(aug1, aes(sample = .std.resid)) +
  geom_qq() + 
  geom_qq_line(col = "red") +
  labs(title = "Normal Q-Q plot",
       y = "Standardized Residual", 
       x = "Standard Normal Quantiles") 

p3 <- ggplot(aug1, aes(x = .fitted, y = sqrt(abs(.std.resid)))) +
  geom_point() + 
  geom_smooth(method = "loess", formula = y ~ x, se = F) +
  labs(title = "Scale-Location Plot",
       x = "Fitted Value of (log(crp))", 
       y = "|Std. Residual|^(1/2)") 

p4 <- ggplot(aug1, aes(x = .hat, y = .std.resid)) +
  geom_point() + 
  geom_point(data = aug1 %>% filter(.cooksd >= 0.5),
             col = "red", size = 2) +
  geom_text_repel(data = aug1 %>% filter(.cooksd >= 0.5),
               aes(label = SEQN), col = "red") +
  geom_smooth(method = "loess", formula = y ~ x, se = F) +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 3*mean(.hat)), lty = "dashed") +
  labs(title = "Residuals vs. Leverage",
       x = "Leverage", y = "Standardized Residual") 

(p1 + p2) / (p3 + p4) +
  plot_annotation(title = "Assessing Residuals for the big model with the NHANES training sample (N=1316)",caption = "If applicable, Cook's d >= 0.5 shown in red in bottom right plot.")

Of note, outliers can be due to:

  1. poorly fit: we can see those in the residuals vs. leverage plot where we have many more point than we would expect with a standardized residual >3.

  2. they have unusual x values: we would can see those in the residuals vs leverage plot. We have several perhaps unusual predictor values (to the left dashed line which is 3 times the average leverage point)

  3. it is highly influential: this combines part 1 and 2. if they are highly influential, if we take them out of the model, our coefficients will change. We can identify these if they have a cooks distance >0.5. We do not see any of those points in the residuals vs leverage plot.

10.2.2 Residual Plots for the Small Model

Assumptions of linear regression

  1. Linearity: no pattern to the residual vs fitted plot

  2. Constant variance: no fan or funnel shape in the residual vs fitted plot & the loess line is essentially straight in the residual vs fitted plot

  3. Normality: right skew in normal QQ plot with outliers.

  4. Independence: The residuals appear to be randomly scattered and show no patterns, trends or clumps when plotted against the predicted values. Also, this is cross sectional data, thus it has to be independent.

aug2 <- augment(model_small, data = nh_train) %>%
  mutate(log_crp = log(crp)) 

p1 <- ggplot(aug2, aes(x = .fitted, y = .resid)) +
  geom_point() + 
  geom_point(data = aug2 %>% 
               slice_max(abs(.resid), n = 3),
             col = "red", size = 1) +
  geom_text_repel(data = aug2 %>% 
               slice_max(abs(.resid), n = 3),
               aes(label = SEQN), col = "red") +
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 0, lty = "dashed") +
  geom_smooth(method = "loess", formula = y ~ x, se = F) +
  labs(title = "Residuals vs. Fitted",
       x = "Fitted Value of (log(crp))", y = "Residual") 

p2 <- ggplot(aug2, aes(sample = .std.resid)) +
  geom_qq() + 
  geom_qq_line(col = "red") +
  labs(title = "Normal Q-Q plot",
       y = "Standardized Residual", 
       x = "Standard Normal Quantiles") 

p3 <- ggplot(aug2, aes(x = .fitted, y = sqrt(abs(.std.resid)))) +
  geom_point() + 
  geom_smooth(method = "loess", formula = y ~ x, se = F) +
  labs(title = "Scale-Location Plot",
       x = "Fitted Value of (log(crp))", 
       y = "|Std. Residual|^(1/2)") 

p4 <- ggplot(aug2, aes(x = .hat, y = .std.resid)) +
  geom_point() + 
  geom_point(data = aug2 %>% filter(.cooksd >= 0.5),
             col = "red", size = 2) +
  geom_text_repel(data = aug2 %>% filter(.cooksd >= 0.5),
               aes(label = SEQN), col = "red") +
  geom_smooth(method = "loess", formula = y ~ x, se = F) +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 3*mean(.hat)), lty = "dashed") +
  labs(title = "Residuals vs. Leverage",
       x = "Leverage", y = "Standardized Residual") 

(p1 + p2) / (p3 + p4) +
  plot_annotation(title = "Assessing Residuals for the small model (2 predictors) in the training sample (n=1316)",
                  caption = "If applicable, Cook's d >= 0.5 shown in red in bottom right plot.")

NOTE: according to the residuals vs. leverage plot we do not have any highly influential points as no points have a cooks distance >0.5 (not an assumption of normality)

10.2.3 Does collinearity have a meaningful impact?

Collinearity does not have a meaningful impact ( no VIF values ≥5 )

              GVIF Df GVIF^(1/(2*Df))
waist     1.212687  1        1.101221
fast_glu  1.167559  1        1.080537
trg       1.200327  1        1.095594
sbp       1.461356  1        1.208865
dbp       1.417064  1        1.190405
ethnicity 1.181637  5        1.016830
sex       1.042280  1        1.020921

10.3 Comparing the Models

-The models performed similarly with the training sample.

  • Neither showed meaningful deviations from the assumptions of linearity or constant variance, however both were slightly right skewed (due to some unusual predictor values).

  • Neither had highly influential points.

However, the bigger model had slightly better fit quality measures (adjusted r squared, sigma, and AIC).

Based on the training sample, my conclusion so far is to support the bigger model.

11 Model Validation

11.1 Calculating Prediction Errors

I will compare the two models in terms of mean squared prediction error and mean absolute prediction error.

11.1.1 Big Model: Back-Transformation and Calculating Fits/Residuals

I will use the augment function to create predictions within my new sample, however I need to back-transform the predictions so they are on the original scale (crp, rather than my transformed regression outcome log(crp)).

Since the way to back out of the log transformation is to apply a re-expression, I will do exp(fitted) and then calculate residuals on the original scale.

aug_big <- augment(model_big, newdata = nh_test) %>% 
  mutate(name = "big",
         crp_fit = exp(.fitted),
         crp_res = crp - crp_fit) %>%
  select(SEQN, name, crp, crp_fit, crp_res, waist, fast_glu, trg, sbp, dbp, ethnicity, sex) 

head(aug_big,3) %>% 
  knitr::kable(digits = 2)
SEQN name crp crp_fit crp_res waist fast_glu trg sbp dbp ethnicity sex
93717 big 0.80 0.96 -0.16 86.2 91 122 116 62 White male
93718 big 0.69 0.92 -0.23 77.5 89 57 128 88 Black male
93721 big 3.04 3.51 -0.47 113.2 104 92 132 68 MA female

11.1.2 Small Model: Back-Transformation and Calculating Fits/Residuals

I did the same thing, but using the small model in the nh_test data.

aug_small <- augment(model_small, newdata = nh_test) %>% 
  mutate(name = "small",
         crp_fit = exp(.fitted),
         crp_res = crp - crp_fit) 

head(aug_small,3) %>% 
  select(SEQN, name, crp, crp_fit, crp_res, waist,sex) %>%
  knitr::kable(digits = 2)
SEQN name crp crp_fit crp_res waist sex
93717 small 0.80 1.05 -0.25 86.2 male
93718 small 0.69 0.78 -0.09 77.5 male
93721 small 3.04 3.76 -0.72 113.2 female

11.1.3 Combining the Results

Below I have combined the back-transformed results for both the big and the small models

test_comp <- bind_rows(aug_big, aug_small) %>%
  arrange(SEQN, name)

test_comp %>% select(name, SEQN, crp, crp_fit, crp_res,  waist, fast_glu, trg, sbp, dbp, ethnicity, sex) %>% 
  slice(1:3, 7:9) %>%
  knitr::kable(digits = c(0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0))
name SEQN crp crp_fit crp_res waist fast_glu trg sbp dbp ethnicity sex
big 100008 8.1 1.84 6.26 101.1 101 90 126 72 Asian female
small 100008 8.1 2.50 5.60 101.1 101 90 126 72 Asian female
big 100015 1.4 1.04 0.40 87.0 99 78 114 76 White male
big 100047 1.7 1.47 0.23 90.7 102 136 156 92 Black male
small 100047 1.7 1.22 0.48 90.7 102 136 156 92 Black male
big 100061 0.9 0.97 -0.04 80.2 105 115 112 68 Asian female

11.2 Visualizing the Predictions

The plot below indicates that the models perform similarly in their predictions.

ggplot(test_comp, aes(x = crp, y = crp_res, 
                      group = name)) +
  geom_line(aes(col = name)) + 
  geom_point(aes(col = name)) +
  geom_label_repel(data = test_comp %>% 
               filter(SEQN == "97505"), 
               aes(label = SEQN)) +
 labs(x = "Observed crp (mg/L)", y = "Prediction Errors on crp scale", 
      title = "Comparison of the errors made at each level of observed crp", subtitle = "big vs. small model using the test sample (N=564)", caption = "similar prediction errors")

There is no substantial separation, thus these are fairly similar results across both models.

11.3 Summarizing the Errors

The mean average prediction error (MAPE), square root of the mean squared prediction error (RMSPE), and maximum error were all slightly lower in the big model.

NOTE: predicting a crp within 2.5 mg/L is not useful.

Such a discrepancy could wrongly categorize someone who is at ‘intermediate risk’ of experiencing cardiovascular event as having a ‘high risk’ of experiencing a cardiovascular event.Obviously, missing by 48 is a terrible prediction. Ideally, we would like a prediction within a decimal place.

test_comp %>%
  group_by(name) %>%
  summarize(n = n(),
            MAPE = mean(abs(crp_res)), 
            RMSPE = sqrt(mean(crp_res^2)),
            max_error = max(abs(crp_res))) %>% 
  knitr:: kable(digits = c(0, 0, 2, 2, 2))
name n MAPE RMSPE max_error
big 564 2.55 5.52 48.81
small 564 2.59 5.57 48.82

11.3.1 Identify the largest errors

Both models made their largest error on subject 97505 (observed crp = 49.95 mg/L)

temp1 <- aug_big %>%
  filter(abs(crp_res) == max(abs(crp_res)))

temp2 <- aug_small %>%
  filter(abs(crp_res) == max(abs(crp_res)))

bind_rows(temp1, temp2) %>% select(SEQN, name, crp, crp_fit, crp_res) %>% knitr::kable(digits = c(0, 0, 2, 2, 2))
SEQN name crp crp_fit crp_res
97505 big 49.95 1.14 48.81
97505 small 49.95 1.13 48.82

11.4 Comparing the Models

The models preformed similarly out of sample. The bigger model had slightly lower MAPE, RMSPE, and maximum error. Thus, the big model wins here (but by a minuscule amount).

12 Discussion

The big model did slightly better both in sample and out sample, but only by a minuscule amount. The performance in sample was better based on adjusted r squared, sigma, and AIC. The residual plots looked similar between the models, with their greatest weakness being adhering to the assumption of normality. Out of sample, the MAPE, RMPSE, and max error were so incredibly close for the two models, but they were slightly lower for the bigger model. Regardless, the errors were so huge (on average about 2.5 mg/L), that the models are not of any use.

12.1 Chosen Model

I chose the small model because it was the most simple. The big model performed slightly better in sample and out of sample, but it was minuscule. Both models are useless in predicting crp because they were off by 2.5 mg/L on average. Given almost equal wrongness, I would rather choose the one that is more simple and wrong than more complex and wrong.

12.2 Answering My Question

Using the 2017 NHANES data set, and including all adults age 20-79 with complete and plausible data on variables of interest (N=1880), I was not able to predict someone’s crp level well based on their waist circumference and adjusting for sex. When the model was tested out of sample, on average, the predictions were off by about 2.5 mg/dL, which is not useful at all; furthermore, these predictions did not improve when ethnicity and other components of metabolic syndrome criteria were factored in.

12.3 Next Steps

My next steps:

  1. Refine eligibility criteria: I did not have a valid study population for my research question. crp is highly unspecific and may be increased due to a variety of conditions that cause inflammation (e.g. cancer, infection, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.) My next steps might be to only include people who are at greater risk of experiencing a cardiovascular event (e.g. people with diabetes age ≥40) and who do not have a history of other conditions known to increase crp.

  2. Missing at random: I should consider using imputation instead of missing completely at random (MCAR). MCAR is a huge assumption that is essentially never true.

  3. Serial crp measurements: A crp level >10 mg/dL indicates an acute inflammatory response. If a crp was >10 then it would have been nice to have a recheck in a week.

12.4 Reflection

What I would have changed if I had known at the start:

  • Do not spend 7 hours trying to pick variables based on what will move the r squared the most

    • We only compared two models, so it really wasn’t worth the trouble investing all that time trying to see what variables could have the biggest impact. We aren’t being graded on our final r-squared.

    • I shouldn’t have even been using r squared to make that decision anyway. If I was going to go through that trouble again (which is pointless and silly) then I should have compared adjusted r squared, sigma, AIC, and BIC.

  • Have a more narrowly defined study population besides just NHANES adults.

  • Pick less, but more meaningful variables

13 Session Info

R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15.6

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/lib/libRblas.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

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 [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 15 entries ]